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罗山讲堂(2022年3期)预告 主讲:李连忠 讲题:低维材料在未来电子器件中的应用

来源:图书馆 作者: 发布时间:2022-04-18 浏览次数:[ ]次

讲题:Low-Dimensional Materials for Future Electronics


主讲:李连忠 讲席教授(Chair Professor)




Dr. Li has been the Chair Professor of Future Electronics at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) since 2021 with the research focus on solving grand challenges in using low-dimensional materials for scaled electronics and as backend transistors for monolithic 3D integration.

Prior to joining HKU, Li was a Director of Corporate Research in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) from 2017 to 2020. He was working on developing key technologies of integrating low-dimensional materials with current micro/nanoelectronics.

Dr. Li worked as a Professor at KAUST from 2014-2017, a research fellow at Academia Sinica in Taiwan (2010-2014), an Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore (2006-2009) respectively. He received his PhD in condensed matter physics at Oxford University, and MSc/BSc degrees in Chemistry at National Taiwan University. He is a highly cited scholar since 2018.

上一条:罗山讲堂(2022年4期)预告 主讲:方维规 讲题:文学研究中的概念史视野:以“世界文学”为例
下一条:罗山讲堂(2022年2期)预告 主讲:邵宜 讲题:谈华文教育的学科体系